How to Choose Secure Cloud Storage

How to Choose Secure Cloud Storage

Secure cloud storage is a term used to describe any file-hosting service which uses end-toend encryption (E2EE). This security feature prevents hackers from deciphering your data in the event that they steal it during transfer or storage. It also protects you against hackers who use brute-force attacks to decipher passwords and steal login credentials.

E2EE isn’t a panacea that completely eliminates cloud storage risks, but it can reduce them considerably. A reputable provider employs E2EE as well as solid authentication, a secure protocol, and a back-up system which includes both local and remote servers. This is the best protection against hackers and other harmful actions that could affect the cloud storage solution you have in place.

Find a service that offers free trials and levels to test their services prior to signing up. Select a provider that provides various storage capacities and speeds that satisfy your requirements and budget.

The most well-known cloud storage providers make use of redundancy by storing multiple copies of your files on different servers within their data centers. This ensures you can still access your data even if one server, or the entire data center fails unexpectedly. Top providers also hire external security firms to audit and test their systems and software frequently.

When choosing a cloud storage service, take into consideration where the server is located and the legal authority it is given to disclose your personal information. For instance, the US has mass surveillance laws(new window), which mean that your provider could be compelled to provide your data in the event that the government requests it.

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